Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Baby Boom for September on the cards

Heavens it seems that the long cold winter has sparked a baby boom for September 2010!!
It could be a busy time at easidream HQ, as we cope with the rush from parents needing that oh so precious quality sleep.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Cry it out - NO WAY BABY!!

Well, here it is again......The controversial topic of controlled crying!

It seems that a 6 year Australian study recommends that doctors and health care workers advise parents to adopt controlled crying - allowing your baby to cry itself to sleep - as a method to beat sleep problems.

They have produced various statistics which show that it appears to work, saying that it does not harm your baby and that this should be reassuring for parents. All I have to say is yes, even though I hate to admit it, I did try this method ONCE with Bradley - I was desperate!! He was so strong willed that he screamed for what seemed like hours (although I'm sure it wasn't that long at all) and eventually vomited all over himself and the cot. I ended up like a complete nervous wreck, convinced I had irrevocably damaged my baby and wondered for weeks whatever had possessed me to inflict this ordeal on my poor defenseless baby. My advice... DON'T DO IT! There are so many other methods out there to encourage a healthy sleep pattern, that resulting to completely distressing your baby to a point where they are distraught, screaming relentlessly and gasping for breath, just isn't one of them.
Anyone out there tried controlled crying?

Cot death risk could be detected by a simple blood test

A recent article announcing a possible break through in cot death makes interesting reading and if a simple blood test does help detect the potential risk, it could be the news that all parents have been waiting for.

French scientists believe their could be a link between a heart defect and the risk of cot death. The fault in the baby's heart causes it to slow down, in some cases stopping altogether and it is hoped that a simple blood test at birth could detect the presence of the heart default.

The Foundation of Sudden Infant Death are impressed with the research and even suggested that it could help explain why babies are at risk of cot death whilst apparently being healthy.

Let's hope that further research confirms the initial research findings.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

easidream goes global..we're on the news in China

Wow how cool is this?

easidream has been featured on the CCTV 9 News Network in China! It seems news is spreading around the globe and what's more, my pointing finger and 'kid's photo' has gone global too!! Bradley & Co...will you ever forgive me?!

Baby sling hazards in the spotlight

Serious warnings abound this week over the hazards linked to 'wearing your baby' in a sling. It makes stark reading and is a real wake up call to all parents out there over what has become an increasingly popular method of carrying your baby.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Early walker in the spotlight!

It is, of course, astonishing when you hear of a LO who achieves a milestone a lot earlier than what is considered the norm. So please check out this baby who is walking at 6 months (my earliest was 10 months) and also the comments afterwards, which make interesting reading....